John Steve


John Steve

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John Steve was born and raised in the Back of the Yards community in the inner city of Chicago, Illinois. At age 11, John was influenced to join a Latin gang which lead to a violent criminal and drug abuse lifestyle. By the age of 13 he didn’t have any spiritual support or guidance and soon became addicted to various substances. By the age of 17 he was incarcerated for a violent offense and did 5 ½ years. Through utilizing various programs such as educational and substance abuse treatment while incarcerated John turned his life around for the better. Since his release in 2011 John has continued to attend support groups like AA, NA and Celebrate Recovery along with church has maintained his sobriety. John has now been in a number of volunteer and community leadership roles and has been in Ministry for 9+ plus years. John also gets invites to speak at State Prisons to share his testimony. John had found his calling to give back to the community. Which lead him to start Herrin House of Hope. He is now the Director of Herrin House of Hope and has been utilizing his strength, hope and experience to impact others who are in similar circumstances to achieve their goals.


Find out more about John first hand at On The Dock podcast:  Click Here